Terms and conditions


Art. 1 – General regulations

1. The user who navigates this area by way of the url: www.elemosineria.va accesses the Office of Papal Charities – Elemosineria Apostolica (hereinafter referred to as “Elemosineria” ). Navigating and sending a request for Apostolic Blessing on the site require accepting the Conditions of Service and Protection Policies adopted by this site regarding data as indicated below.

2. The current General Conditions of Service apply to the provision of services with exclusive reference to activities offered on this site by the
Elemosineria Apostolica
Situated at: Cortile Sant’Egidio
00120 Città del Vaticano

3. The user, before accessing the services provided by the site, needs to read the current General Conditions of Service to be generally understood and unequivocally agreed to at the moment of procurement.

4. The user is invited to download and print a copy of the order form and the current General Conditions of Service whose terms the Office of Papal Charities reserves the unilateral right to modify without any prior notification.

5. It is possible to access the site and use its services in the following languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish.

Art. 2 – Objective

1. The current general Conditions of Service regulate the offering, the sending and the acceptance of orders regarding Apostolic Blessings on the site of the Office of Papal Charities.

Art. 3 – Closure of Contract

1. To have the agreement in the request of Apostolic Blessings concluded, it will be necessary to fill the electronic order form and send it following the related instructions.

2. Contained therein is reference to the General Conditions of Service, information regarding every service, possible payment methods, and the conditions which govern the right of withdrawal.

3. Before the Contract is concluded, one will be required to confirm the comprehensive reading of the information on the General Conditions of Service with regard to the right of withdrawal and the handling of personal data.

4. The Contract is concluded when the vendor receives the user’s completed form with the prior verification of the correctness of the data contained therein.

5. The buyer will be obliged to deposit their offering at the very moment when the online process of submission of order is complete. This shall take place with the clicking on the “place order” button at the end of the guided process.

6. With the conclusion of the contract, it becomes the vendor’s responsibility to carry out the order.

Art. 4 – Registered Users

1. In the process of registration, the user is obliged to follow the indications offered on the site, supplying personal details which are correct and truthful.

2. Once the registration is done, the user will receive a confirmation e-mail sent to the address provided by the user; this confirmation must take place, at most, within two days. The failure of confirmation within the set period, frees the Office of Papal Charities from any obligation towards the user.

3. The confirmation, in any case, shall exonerate the Office of Papal Charities from any responsibility regarding the user data. Whenever there are changes to personal data, the user is obliged to promptly bring this to the attention of the Office of Papal Charities.

4. Should the user communicate less accurate or incomplete details, even when payment notifications are carried out by the parties in question, the Office of Papal Charities shall have the power either not to proceed or suspend service until the related issues have been resolved.

5. The first time that a user’s profile is activated, the Office of Papal Charities shall assign a user name and password. These identification codes are understood as constituting a system of validation of access to services by the user and the only effective way of identifying the user; activities connected with this access shall be attributed to the user and shall have a binding validity.

6. The user is obliged to keep secret their access data and protect it with the needed care and diligence without divulging it, not even temporarily to a third party.

Art. 5 – Rates and Modality of Payment

1. Rates for services shall be those that the site shall indicate from time to time except where there is an obvious error.

2. In case of error, the Office of Papal Charities shall immediately inform the applicant to confirm the order by making the right payment or cancel it altogether.

3. Rates provided on the site are comprehensive of all local taxes and can change at any time. Changes do not affect confirmed orders.

4. When choices are made, they will be placed in the shopping cart wherefrom, following the purchasing instructions, one should proceed to supply the needed information and verify it at every stage in the process; order details can be modified before payment is finally made.

5. Credit card payment is authorised.

Art. 6 – Delivery

1. Apostolic Blessings (on parchment) shall be delivered to the client within 20 days; therefore, it should not go beyond 30 days after on site purchase is made.

2. Apostolic Blessings (on parchment) shall be sent to the customer’s address given at the time of purchase otherwise, they shall be kept for collection.

3. Should delivery fail for reasons non ascribable to any of the parties, full reimbursement shall be made to the user.

Art. 7 – Transfer of Risk

1. From the very moment when delivery is made, risks related to products shall be assumed by the buyer. Ownership of products is assumed at the moment when all payments are made (in their regard including shipping costs), or at the moment of delivery, if this were to happen later.

Art. 8 – Warranty and Commercial Compliance

1. The Office of Papal Charities is responsible for any defect in the products it offers on site which includes non-compliance of items to orders, pursuant to the provisions of current legislation.

2. The validity of the current warranty is on condition that the defect shows within 12 months, from the date of the product delivery. The buyer has a maximum of 2 months to make a formal complaint beginning from the date of spotting the defect.

3. In case of non-compliance, the buyer, who being a consumer in view of the contract made, shall have the right to have the products restored to compliance without charge through repairs or replacement; otherwise, shall have an appropriate reduction in price or annulment of the contract with respect to the disputed goods for reimbursement.

4. The Office of Papal Charities shall incur return costs for defective products.

Art. 9 – Withdrawal and Notifications

1. In accordance with the legal arrangements in force, since a custom-made product can no longer be utilized by third parties, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised.

2. In any case, to satisfy the requests of customers, the Office of Charities allows for a possible reconsideration only by e-mail to recesso@elemosineria.va, with the stated justification strictly within 48 hours from the time the order was placed.

3. If the e-mail arrives within the 48-hour time frame and the justification is found to be adequate according to the irrevocable verdict of the Office of Charities, the same Office shall see to the reimbursement of the amount.

4. For notifications on possible errors regarding details or models of parchments, send an e-mail to segnalazioni@elemosineria.va

Art. 10 – Processing of Data

1. The buyer’s data is handled in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, as spelt out in the informative section pursuant to the Art. 13 Regulation UE 2016/679 (Privacy Policy).

Art. 11 – Contacts

1. Any request for information can be sent by a phone call to the following number and address:
Elemosineria Apostolica
Situated at: Cortile Sant’Egidio
00120 Città del Vaticano

Art. 12 – Applicable Law and Court of Jurisdiction

1. The current General Conditions of Service follow the Law of the Vatican and interpreted in its regard without prejudice to any other peremptory norm prevalent in the buyer’s normal country of residence. Consequently, the interpretation, the implementation and the annulment of the General Conditions of Sale are exclusively subjected to Vatican Law.

2. Any dispute arising from them must be resolved as a matter of priority by the jurisdictional authority of the Vatican.

The current conditions were revised on 13.02.2019

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